School Policies
Student Welfare
At Manly Vale Public school we have a two sided student welfare procedure in dealing with behaviour both in and outside the classroom. Teachers have their own individual reward and consequence system within their own classroom organisation which forms a part of a whole school positive reinforcement approach to student behaviour.
There is both recognition and reinforcement for positive learning and social behaviours. These procedures are aimed to improve self-esteem and learning engagement for all students.
There is also consequences for inappropriate behaviour which ensures all students are aware of behavioural expectations both in and outside the classroom, parents are involved in the implementation of these procedures, and teachers have a consistent standard behavioural expectations, rewards and discipline.
The Student Welfare Procedures are aligned to the Department of Education’s policy and are based around our school motto of:
“Caring, Sharing and Achieving your Personal Best”
Homework Procedures
Homework is an educational activity which arises from appropriate school experiences and which is seen as deserving attention out of school hours. It has an important role to play in furthering the partnership between home and school. At Manly Vale Public School we feel homework should be consistent with lifelong learning. It should be appropriate to the child’s level of ability an understanding, and be used as revision for work done in classrooms.
Manly Vale Public School Homework procedures are a guide to the expectations and time limits fro homework fro each of the stages.
Sport and PSSA Policy
Technology Policies
Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Procedure